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Your guide to finding the best coffee machine

By Ellie Reeves | 25th May 2023 | 6 min read

Bring barista brilliance to your own kitchen

Now that more of us are working from home, we can’t just pop to the local café on our way to the office for our morning caffeine fix. So, for the coffee drinkers among us, access to freshly brewed coffee in our own kitchens is essential. No matter your coffee making ability, budget, or preferred taste – there is a coffee maker out there to suit everyone. Carry on reading and we’ll help you find the best home coffee machine for your needs.

best coffee machinebest coffee machinebest coffee machinebest coffee machine

What type of coffee machine should I buy?

The type of coffee machine that you choose will depend on several factors, such as how often you drink coffee, how much spare time you have, and how you prefer your coffee to taste. Different types of coffee machines have their own pros and cons, we’ll take you through some of the most popular coffee makers and go into more detail about what each machine does and why it might (or might not) be a suitable option for you. Whether you’re looking for a stove top coffee maker or you’re on the hunt for the best coffee pod machine – we’ve got a huge range to choose from.

best pod coffee machine

Capsule coffee machines

A capsule or pod coffee machine is ideal for those who want a quick pick-me-up without the fuss of grinding beans or boiling water. So, if you’re often in back-to-back meetings and barely have time for a bathroom break, let alone time to make a coffee – a capsule machine is just what you need. Simply turn on your machine, insert your coffee capsule of choice, and voila – a delicious cup of coffee to kickstart your day.


  • Affordable
  • Easy to use
  • Great for a quick cup of coffee
  • Consistent taste


  • Limited choice of coffee - you need to buy coffee capsules that are compatible with your machine
  • Difficult to recycle
  • Coffee pods can be expensive to buy
best bean to cup coffee machine

Bean to cup coffee machines

Making barista style coffee at home has never been easier. Bean to cup coffee machines have a built-in coffee grinder that does the work for you. Perfect for coffee connoisseurs who don’t have much time on their hands, a bean to cup machine will give you freshly ground and brewed coffee at the touch of a button. Most bean to cup machines come pre-programmed with several different coffees, from cappuccino to espresso.


  • Can be used with any coffee beans
  • Guaranteed freshness
  • Easy to use
  • Consistent taste
  • Great for a quick cup of coffee


  • Expensive compared to other coffee making methods
  • Often bulky – can take up a lot of worktop space
best filter coffee machine

Filter coffee machines

These machines heat up the water slowly, then the water passes through a filter, leaving you with an aromatic and flavourful brew. Most filter coffee machines come with a large jug which can hold around 8-12 cups of coffee. A drip coffee machine a great option if you’re often hosting dinner parties or live in a busy household full of coffee lovers. Filter coffee often has a less intense flavour compared to espresso, which can be either a plus or a downside – depending on who the drinker is.


  • Can be used with any ground coffee of choice
  • Affordable
  • Large capacity - great for large families or gatherings


  • Not as quick as other coffee machines – you’ll have to wait around 7 minutes for coffee to brew
  • Often bulky – can take up a lot of worktop space
best espresso machine

Coffee pump machines

Take your coffee game to a whole new level with a pump machine. If you consider yourself something of a coffee aficionado, these machines will give you the authentic barista experience. With a coffee pump machine, you can grind and brew your own coffee beans for a smooth coffee with a silky finish. Most machines come with a steam wand so you can froth milk for cappuccinos, lattes, and flat whites.


  • Can be used with any ground coffee of choice
  • Guaranteed freshness
  • Authentic coffee shop flavour
  • Ideal for making frothy cappuccinos and flat whites


  • Some models are quite expensive
  • Takes a bit of time to learn how to use the machine
  • Fiddly to clean
  • Often bulky - can take up a lot of worktop space
best moka pot

Moka pot coffee makers

A Moka pot is a clever little device which can brew full-bodied espresso on your hob. It works by heating water at the bottom of the pot. The heat pressure pushes hot water to the top through a stem. The hot water passes through a filter that holds the coffee grounds, creating a deliciously rich coffee. Moka pots can be fiddly to use, but if you want an authentic Italian flavour without forking out loads of money, it’s a fantastic option.


  • Affordable
  • Compact size
  • Portable
  • Can be used with any ground coffee of choice


  • Not as quick as other coffee machines – you’ll have to wait around 5 minutes for coffee to brew
  • A few separate parts that need to be cleaned after each use
best cafetiere

Cafetiere coffee makers

Also known as a French press, a cafetiere creates freshly brewed coffee in a matter of minutes. With a cafetiere, you can decide how much ground coffee you use, making the flavour of your coffee as strong or weak as you like. This portable coffee maker is easy to use. Simply spoon in your coffee, pour in (nearly) boiling water and wait a few minutes for it to brew before pushing down your plunger. The plunger will filter out all the bits and leave you with a smooth coffee.


  • Affordable
  • Compact size
  • Portable
  • Large capacity


  • Requires a kettle to boil water
  • Works best with coarse ground coffee
  • Jug and plunger will need to be cleaned after each use

Some of our best coffee machine reviews – tried and tested by you

Can’t decide which coffee maker to go for? Take a look at some of these five star reviews written by fellow coffee enthusiasts – they might help you make your decision.